# CodeShow

CodeShow turns a directory of code into a static website suitable for use in presentations. It uses [pygments]( for syntax highlighting. In directories that include a `` or `readme.txt`, the readme contents will be displayed under the directory listing.

Passing `--site44` generates content optimized for hosting on Site44:

1. No .html or .txt file extensions are appended to files. This makes for prettier URLs.

2. A `mimetypes.site44.txt` file is generated that enforces HTML and plain text content types for those pretty URLs.

See []( for an example of the output, or get the code at [](

## Installation

Use `pip install codeshow` to install.

## Usage

usage: codeshow [path] [<options>]

CodeShow turns a directory of code into a static website suitable for use in


positional arguments:

PATH path to the code project

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-v, --version show program's version number and exit

-o, --output PATH output path for generated website

-i, --ignore PATH relative path to skip (can be specified multiple times)

-f, --force if the output directory already exists, delete it first

-s, --site44 generate output for Site44 (generate mimetypes.site44.txt

instead of using file extensions)